A symbolic action can enhance any ceremony. They can make everyone feel included and add an extra personal element. Before deciding on the best symbolic action for your ceremony think about what it is you wish to convey through the action. For example in a wedding ceremony do you wish to acknowledge that you know that the path will not always be smooth but that together you will be strong enough to face anything. Below I have listed some of the more popular symbolic actions often used in Celebrant led ceremonies. If you would like more information about any of these please make contact .
During a Naming ceremony parents may make promises to their child about how they will support them. These promises are witnessed by those who have gathered to welcome the child into their community. They form the cornerstone of the relationship which will develop between the child and those who love them. Promises are very personal and they will be different for each family. I consider a good starting point for any parent when considering what they might write are the wide selection of poems about Parents and their children Extract from "Parents wishes," author unknown "We wish you a childhood full of fun and games, And we wish you memories that have little pain. We wish you to learn by making mistakes, We wish you to love and never to hate. We wish you the strength to make up you own mind, But we wish that your heart will be gentle and kind." Next week: Symbolic actions If you choose to have a Wedding ceremony led by a Celebrant then you have the freedom to write your own vows and promises. Vows are usually said when you exchange your rings and use more formal language. Promises may be shared at any point in the ceremony and are usually very personal and reflect the unique wishes of the couple. For some the idea of writing your own vows and promises can be a little daunting. So here are my top five tips for writing your vows and promises.
Next week: Writing parents' promises I am sure that like many other people I have come to realise how important my nearest and dearest are to me in the past months.
I am looking forward to getting together with family and friends to celebrate the occasions we missed. For some couples this might be an opportunity to acknowledge new relationships or celebrate the strength of long standing partnerships. Why not consider making the occasion extra special by including a bespoke ceremony ? In my next series of blogs I will be talking ideas which can be included in a special ceremony. Next week: Writing your own vows. As we say goodbye to 2020 it is wonderful to be able to look forward to taking the plans that have been waiting in the wings and bring them back to centre stage.
It seems to me that 2021 holds so much promise and I am looking forward once again creating and conducting many jubilant celebrations. May the New Year bring new happiness, new inspiration and the fulfilment of long cherished dreams. Best wishes Christine |
AuthorChoosing a Celebrant to help you create that special ceremony is an important step towards making your occasion a really memorable one. Why not take advantage of the free initial meeting I offer ? I believe it is important to meet informally to discuss your ideas and what I can offer. Meeting also gives us an opportunity to explore the type of ceremony that would best suit your needs. Archives
January 2025
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